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Show us the money: Africa calls for scaling of international climate finance

Despite the Paris Agreement which raised the level of ambition by developed countries contingent on the support provided by developed countries, we continue to see a decline in the delivery of public climate finance in real terms.

Show us the money: Africa calls for scaling of international climate finance

Despite the Paris Agreement which raised the level of ambition by developed countries contingent on the support provided by developed countries, we continue to see a decline in the delivery of public climate finance in real terms. Developed countries have not met the $100 billion (R1.9 trillion) per year mobilisation goal by 2020 and have shown that this goal may potentially be met later this year, Minister of Fisheries, Forestry and the Environment, Barbara Creecy, underlined at the inaugural Africa Climate Summit held in Nairobi, Kenya. In a call to action, leaders stressed the importance of decarbonising the global economy for equality and shared prosperity and called for investment to promote the sustainable use of Africa’s natural assets for the continent’s transition to low carbon development and contribution to global decarbonisation. IOL, 13 September 2023.